
This is my Neocities website. I am very new to using Neocities and understanding coding enough to design this into what I desire.

This website will be a work in progress for a very long time and periodically go through multiple changes as I learn and figure out how to do what I want.

The purpose of this site's creation is to see if I could make something better than the Carrd I currently use. My Carrd limits me in the things I can do with it, and can only hold 50 elements. Which is frustrating to me as someone who would love to add images of my kins and such. I'm hoping with time and effort I can turn this site into something I've always wanted.

I hope you enjoy my little site though! Even if it may be simple and nothing too special, I am happy with what I am able to do.

Feel free to listen to some music while looking through my site!